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Supercharge your Application with Real-time Low-Latency Edge Computing

Vish V.
Redpanda + YoMo

We’re kicking off our blog series with some exciting news! We are collaborating with our friends at Redpanda to help applications deliver low-latency real-time experience to their users.

How does it work?

WebSocket connections are crucial in building and delivering real-time applications. YoMo leverages edge-nodes on a global scale and connects to the cloud by QUIC protocol. As a result, applications can handle persistent WebSocket connections closer to the user, and provide a richer low-latency real-time experience. The processed data is streamed to Redpanda — a high performance framework guaranteeing data safety.

About Redpanda

Redpanda, as Vectorized put it, is a Kafka API compatible streaming platform for mission-critical workloads. It is lightweight, optimized for performance, and requires no ZooKeeper management.

About YoMo

YoMo is an open-source Streaming Serverless Framework for building Low-latency Edge Computing applications. Built atop QUIC Transport Protocol and Functional Reactive Programming interface. makes real-time data processing reliable, secure, and easy.

Why YoMo?

  1. As of this writing, we are the only platform using QUIC transport protocol that is specifically optimized for edge computing.
  2. You handle the business logic, we take care of everything else.
  3. Handling raw data streams can be intimidating. YoMo simplifies the process by introducing ReactiveX, which is considered one of the best ways to handle time-sensitive data streams.

Traditional Cloud-Centric architecture:

traditional arch

State-of-the-art Geo-Distributed architecture:

geo-distributed arch

Let’s get started!

1) Install RedPanda: Please visit Redpanda - Getting Started and enable Pandaproxy after installation.

In this example, we will use HTTP REST API in Pandaproxy to produce the messages.

2) Install YoMo: Please visit YoMo - Getting Started.

Now that you have installed both services, there are 5 easy steps to follow:

Step 1: Create a topic in Redpanda

We will call it "yomo-test":

rpk topic create yomo-test

Step 2: Create your serverless app

For further details please refer to YoMo - GitHub.

Step 3: Copy the following code to your serverless app

package main

import (

    y3 "github.com/yomorun/y3-codec-golang"

// noiseDataKey represents the Tag of a Y3 encoded data packet.
const actionDataKey = 0x10

// batchSize is the amount of data that will be inserted into Redpanda in batch.
const batchSize = 100

// bufferMilliseconds is the time in milliseconds that the data will be buffered and inserted into Redpanda in batch.
const bufferMilliseconds = 3e3

var (
    pandaProxyURL = "" // Redpanda Proxy URL.
    topic         = "" // Topic name.

func init() {
    pandaProxyURL = os.Getenv("PANDAPROXY_URL")
    if pandaProxyURL == "" {
        pandaProxyURL = "http://localhost:8082"
    topic = os.Getenv("REDPANDA_TOPIC")
    if topic == "" {
        topic = "yomo-test"

// noiseData represents the structure of data.
type actionData struct {
    Noise float32 `y3:"0x11" json:"movements"`
    Time  int64   `y3:"0x12" json:"timestamp"`
    From  string  `y3:"0x13" json:"from"`

// postData represents the structure of records that will be posted to Redpanda.
type postData struct {
    Records []postDataItem `json:"records"`

// postDataItem represents the structure of data item.
type postDataItem struct {
    Value     interface{} `json:"value"`
    Partition int         `json:"partition"`

// getPostBody gets the body of HTTP POST to Redpanda Proxy.
func getPostBody(data []interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
    items := make([]postDataItem, len((data)))
    for i, act := range data {
        items[i] = postDataItem{
            Value:     act,
            Partition: 0,
    return json.Marshal(postData{
        Records: items,

// write data to Redpanda Proxy in batch via RESTful API.
var produce = func(_ context.Context, v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    data, ok := v.([]interface{})
    if !ok {
        return nil, errors.New("v is not a slice")
    postBody, err := getPostBody(data)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // post data to Redpanda
    resp, err := http.Post(fmt.Sprintf("%s/topics/%s", pandaProxyURL, topic), "application/vnd.kafka.binary.v2+json", bytes.NewBuffer(postBody))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    // read the response body
    body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // print the response

    return fmt.Sprintf("⚡️ write %d items to redpanda successfully", len(data)), nil

// decode from Y3 codec
var decode = func(v []byte) (interface{}, error) {
    var mold actionData
    // decode bytes by Y3 Codec.
    err := y3.ToObject(v, &mold)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // return the JSON encoding for insertion in Redpanda.
    b, err := json.Marshal(mold)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return b, nil

// Handler will handle data in Rx way
func Handler(rxstream rx.RxStream) rx.RxStream {
    stream := rxstream.
        BufferWithTimeOrCount(bufferMilliseconds, batchSize).
    return stream

Step 4: Run your serverless app in dev mode

PANDAPROXY_URL is the URL of PandaProxy in Redpanda.

$ PANDAPROXY_URL= yomo dev
2021/03/18 14:13:13 Building the Serverless Function File...
2021/03/18 14:13:16 ✅ Listening on
2021/03/18 14:13:19 {"offsets":[{"partition":0,"offset":113}]}
[StdOut]:  ⚡️ write 10 items to redpanda successfully
2021/03/18 14:13:20 {"offsets":[{"partition":0,"offset":123}]}
[StdOut]:  ⚡️ write 10 items to redpanda successfully
2021/03/18 14:13:21 {"offsets":[{"partition":0,"offset":133}]}
[StdOut]:  ⚡️ write 10 items to redpanda successfully
2021/03/18 14:13:22 {"offsets":[{"partition":0,"offset":143}]}
[StdOut]:  ⚡️ write 10 items to redpanda successfully

Step 5: Consume the messages in Redpanda

rpk topic consume yomo-test

That’s it!

You should be able to see the following messages:

 "message": "{\"movements\":153.04851,\"timestamp\":1616048002511,\"from\":\"\"}",
 "partition": 0,
 "offset": 150,
 "timestamp": "2021-03-18T06:13:22.888Z"
 "message": "{\"movements\":43.49945,\"timestamp\":1616048002611,\"from\":\"\"}",
 "partition": 0,
 "offset": 151,
 "timestamp": "2021-03-18T06:13:22.888Z"
 "message": "{\"movements\":85.69591,\"timestamp\":1616048002711,\"from\":\"\"}",
 "partition": 0,
 "offset": 152,
 "timestamp": "2021-03-18T06:13:22.888Z"

Stay tuned

This blog post covers WebSocket usage with YoMo and Redpanda in a broad view. A second part of this article showcasing a niche Virtual HQ use case is coming up, so stay tuned!

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